Terms and Conditions

Languages of the Journal:
  • The Journal is published in Persian and English.
  • The abstracts in the Persian edition are translated into English.
  • The abstracts in the English edition are translated into Persian.


Evaluation of the Articles:Submitted articles are initially reviewed by the board of editors. Once the paper is accepted, it is then sent to selected reviewers. To avoid any bias, articles received are blind reviewed. The boards of editors announce their final decision; an acceptance is dependent upon their recommendation for publication.


Ethical considerations

Journal of Iran Futures Study is a Double blinde peer reviewed biquarterly and open access publication, which publishes of original research papers. Journal of Iran Futures Study is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws. Journal of Iran Futures Study is licensed under the terms of the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC-BY-NC 4.0). Licensees may copy, distribute, display and make derivative works only if they cite the original published article.  

Terms and conditions for manuscript submission

In order to facilitate the process of reviewing and publishing articles, it is necessary for researchers who want to publish their scientific articles in this journal, to pay attention to the following points, otherwise the article will not be subjected to review and evaluation and also the paper will just once be returned to the author for structural revisions.

  •  Article submission is only possible through the journal website, and the publication refuses the acceptance of any articles manually or by e-mail. 
  •  Articles submitted to this journal for review and publication, must not have previously been published in other domestic and foreign journals or submitted to other domestic or foreign journals for review at the same time.
  •  The publication is free to reject, accept and edit the article.
  • The sender of the article must be the responsible author of the article and all the necessary correspondences and follow-ups regarding the article will be done with the responsible author, obviously any other correspondences other than the responsible author's, will be disregarded.
  • The order of the authors' names is based on the order in which the author's information is registered during the article's submission on the journal website. The responsible author must enter the names of all authors correctly and completely on the publication site.
  • Submitted articles must be prepared in accordance with the article writing guide, otherwise the article will be returned to the author and will not be included in the evaluation process.
  • Informing the responsible author is done through the publication site and e-mail (the responsible author is required to refer to both for information and follow-up).
  • In case of cancellation of the article's review process, the responsible author is required to send his/her withdrawal request through the publication site (request to withdraw the article), the cancellation letter must be signed by all authors and then sent as a PDF file.
  • Permission should be sought from the publisher to reproduce any substantial part of a copyrighted work that depends on both the significance of the material and the quantity of material used. This includes any text, illustrations, charts, tables, photographs, or other material from previously published sources used.  If excerpts from other copyrighted works are included, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the copyright owners (publisher) and credit the source(s) in the manuscript.


    Copyright protects only original (i.e. creative) material. As such it protects only the particular form of expression of a work and not the ideas or facts contained in it. Public domain works are not protected by copyright and may be reproduced without permission. Permission would however be required to re-use the final formatted, edited, published version of the work in certain cases, as it is owned by the publisher.

  • Completion and submission of the commitment form, conflict of interest and the authors information is mandatory (Journal Forms).