Developing a futuristic studies model for entrepreneurial recovery, learning, and re-emergence, based on entrepreneurs’ failure studies.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Imam Khomeini International University

2 Management department, management and accountant Faculty, QIAU, Qazvin, Iran,

3 Entrepreneurship Management faculty, Tehran University,Tehran, Iran

4 Management department,Management and Accountant faculty, QIAU, Qazvin, Iran,


Purpose: Entrepreneurs who fail have different functions. Some grieve and its aftermath is liberated and entrepreneurial re- emergence, others plunge into their grief and choose another path. What happens to these entrepreneurs after they fail? Why some of them can recover and some cannot? This study attempts to refine the studies and develop a deep understanding of what entrepreneurs experience after failure and analyze the post-failure model for future mapping.
Method: In this research, we used a meta-synthesis as a new approach in qualitative studies in order to integrate studies on business failure to generate comprehensive and interpretive findings. First, we present the possible and probable future prospects for the entrepreneur after experiencing failure. Then, the desired future image of the entrepreneur after the failure is drawn and its model is written.
Findings: Four related areas in post-failure life including consequences, learning, recovery and entrepreneurial re-emergence were identified and led to the development of a post-failure life model. Findings indicate the influence of individual and environmental factors on the celerity of recovery and quality of learning.
Conclusion: According to the research results, it is necessary to provide the obligatory training for entrepreneurs in different periods to strengthen the sense-making of the concept of failure and its recognition as an acceptable event with entrepreneurship, as well as the development of necessary individual skills to learn about phenomena and recover from events should be on the agenda of trustees.


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