Identifying Indicators of Urban Development Strategy for Resilience and Empowerment of Kish Island in the Horizon of 1417

Document Type : Research Paper


1 teaching in university

2 Professor, Department of Geography Tehran University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Tehran University


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the effective indicators of good urban governance, livability, banking and competitiveness in urban development strategy and increase the resilience of Kish Island with empowerment approach, based on which one of the economic infrastructure, social, managerial, physical needs to increase resilience and achieve empowerment of managers and citizens in the face of economic, social and environmental crises.
Method: The research method is based on descriptive-analytical methods and is applied in terms of the purpose. The results obtained from the questionnaires were calculated using SPSS software and Chi-square test and T-sample. In order to evaluate and compare the resilience of urban development strategy indicators in the dimensions of good urban governance, banking, viability and competitiveness, ANOVA test and structural equation modeling were performed with PLS and Micmac software and SOAR strategic model for development strategy and describes the strengths, opportunities, ideals, and outcomes used in empowerment.
Findings: The results show that the indicators of Kish Island urban development strategy in terms of viability are in a better position than other indicators and the indicators of good urban governance, banking and competitiveness are not in a favorable position.
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be said that the respondents believe that all indicators of Kish Island urban development strategy are not at the desired level, in other words, Kish is still livable, but not in a good managerial and economic situation.


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