Integrated Strategic Foresight in Cities (Case Study: Isfahan)

Document Type : Research Paper



2 Full Professor in Political Science, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran,

3 Associate Professor of Urban Development Engineering, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

4 Associate Professor of Economics, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran,


Purpose: The city of Isfahan, a cultural city with a long history, is famous in the world and has a strategic position in Iran, so its future is important for the competitive and relative prosperity of this city. The aim of this study is to extract an integrated model of strategic foresight.
Method: First of all, using Meta synthesis method, the components of the model have been extracted from library studies and documents. Then, with three rounds of Delphi method, using the experts of Isfahan city and municipality, the components of Isfahan city have been selected. Finally, the interpretive structural modeling method prioritizes the components over each other.
Findings:The results showed that the integrated strategic foresight model presents content model in the input stage and first level and strategic questions in final level. Foresight stage starts with trend analysis in the first stage and ends with vision in final level. In the output stage, the test of strategic options is set along with signals and wildcards to enter the strategic plans and create partnership among stakeholders. In the strategy stage, strategies towards strategic plans and their impact analysis on budget are considered as the best features for strategic foresight model of Isfahan.
Conclusion: According to the research results, in order to achieve sustainable plans for the city and the municipality, while preparing a futuristic document with an integrated model, Isfahan Municipality should prepare scenarios for the desired image of the city in order to achieve sustainable plans while strengthening the strategic plan.


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