Designing Proactive Career Behaviors Model in Oil Industry Using ISM Approach (Case Study: Oil Contracting Companies)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Human Resources Management, Lorestan University, Khoramabad,,Iran

2 Associate Prof, Department of Business Management, Lorestan University, Khoramabad,Iran


Purpose: The present study aims to design proactive career behaviors model in oil industry using ISM approach.
Method: This research is based on quantitative and qualitative cross-sectional research that is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of nature.The statistical population of the present study consists of Oil Contracting Companies of Iran of which 30 experts have been selected based on the principle of theoretical adequacy and using a targeted sampling method. The information gathering tool in the qualitative research section is semi-structured interview and in the quantitative section the questionnaire is also used. In the qualitative section, the data and information obtained from the interview were analyzed using Atlas-Ti software and the coding method and components and indicators of Proactive Career Behaviors were identified. Also in the quantitative part of the research, the final model of research has been developed and presented using Matlab software and interpretive structural modeling technique.
Findings: The research findings include indicators and components of Proactive Career Behaviors in oil contracting companies. Also, the research results included twenty-two indicators in five levels and described in the final model. Review of the literature and research background shows that there is no research that has attempted to present a model of proactive career behaviors and the present study has responded to this research gap by presenting a model of proactive career behaviors in the oil industry.
Conclusion: Applying proactive career behaviors enables employees to fully consciously and intelligently predict the needs and wants of the future labor market and increase their capabilities and abilities to make the best use of opportunities.


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