Identifying the Driving Forces of the Future of Social Trust through Cross-Impact Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in cultural management and planning, science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate professor Department of Cultural management and Economic, science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate professor Department of Social Science, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran

4 Associate professor Department of management, science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran North Branch, Tehran, Iran

5 Associate professor Department of management, science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: Social trust is the most important indication of the social capital which its reproduction and rehabilitation have effective role in social alliance and coherency. Furthermore, successful implementation of economic, welfare and social programs by government, effectiveness of non-governmental organizations and groups, as well as logical and expected interpersonal actions and communications have significant correlation with enforcement and expansion of social trust. The objective of this study is the identification and analysis of effective driving forces in the future of social trust.
Method: This study has done by combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. After revision and analysis of environmental activities, 73 effective factors on social trust listed. Furthermore, after implementing   Delphi technique with 15 experts, 11 impeller factors selected; then matrix was set up and data imported into Micmac software.
Findings: According to Micmac output based on direct connection, the most influential impeller is conception of justice as well as the most impressionable impeller is satisfaction of life. Furthermore, based on indirect connection, the most influential impeller is conception of justice as well as the most impressionable impeller is conception of government performance.
Conclusion: Personal and inherited factors should be seriously considered in public policy-making in order to expand and improve social trust.


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