The Futures of Yazd Province in the Competition for Technological Convergence

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in Management, Yazd Province General Government, Yazd, Iran

2 MSc. in Executive Management, Saman-Avaran-Toseeh Co, Yazd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

4 Instructor, Islamic Azad University Yazd Branch, Yazd, Iran


Purpose: The present study aims to identify and explain the futures of Iranian provinces in the competition for the development of NBIC technological convergence (synergy between nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive sciences) with a focus on Yazd province.
Method: This research, which has been conducted with a qualitative and descriptive approach, is classified as an exploratory futures-study. In this way, the relevant research records were first reviewed to compile a list of drivers in the development of convergent technologies. The list was then refined and prioritized to identify two key drivers, with the Delphi process attended by fourteen experts. By intersecting the uncertainties of these two drivers, four scenarios of the province's future in technological convergence competition emerged.
Findings: The two key drivers affecting the success of the province in the competition for convergent technologies are: the rate of development of the innovation ecosystem and the amount of financial resources allocated to this process. Based on this, four scenarios of the future situation of the province in this field were identified, which have been named as "Vanguard", "Buyer", "Remnant" and "Hired".
Conclusion: In order for the provinces to be able to succeed in the forthcoming competitions in the production and operation of convergent technologies, it is necessary to plan for strengthening the ecosystem infrastructure from now; at the same time, it is necessary to make efficient efforts to provide sufficient financial resources for the research and commercialization of these technologies.


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