The Future Studies of the Impact of the Cyberspace on Iranian Poetry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Communication Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran,Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Media Studies, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Persian Literature, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The present research aimed at finding an answer to the question of the process of influence of cyberspace on Iranian Poetry in the future, and the influence of cyberspace on various aspects of poetry such as content, its audience, the poet, the media that published the poem, the process of composing the poem, the rights of the author, and Globalization of the Iranian poetry.
Method: The Delphi technique was used to carry out this research. A group of experts comprising professors in the fields of Communication and Literature was selected. The expert’s opinions were collected and analyzed through an in-depth interview, a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, and by the execution of three stages of Delphi rounds.
Findings: Accordingly, considering the content, the experts predicted that due to the impact of cyberspace, the quality of the poetry will be reduced and consequently, the language of poetry will become simpler and close to prose and it will only reflect the daily events of life. Regarding the audience, they concluded that the audience’s selection power will be increased, however, we can differentiate between the public and professional audience. With respect to the sender, there will be no phenomenon of multi authors, and regarding the channel, the experts agreed upon Media Convergence besides, the poets’ agency in publishing their own poems will be increased.
Conclusion: Experts believe that the spread of communication technologies will make censorship ineffective. This is the only case in which the group believes in the impact of technology on the future of poetry. The group of experts did not reach a consensus regarding the impact of technology on the phenomena such as publication of author’s poems as one’s original work and the Globalization of Iranian poetry, thus, analyzed these items in the framework of the human agency.


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