future study of Qur'an interpretation; Beds and stands

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of the Holy Quran University of Science and Education

2 Master student of the Faculty of Quranic Sciences, Mashhad


Purpose: The science of interpretation, as the most important science responsible for understanding the Qur'an, needs to be methodized and updated so that the teachings of the Qur'an can be used easily for all classes of people. In the present study, the meaning of "future research in interpretation" is the ability to create desirable models for more efficient interpretation in the future, by using scientific tools, creativity and relying on the foundations and rules of interpretation and compensating the damages of interpretation in the past.
Method: This research, with descriptive analytical method, answers the question, what are the fields and requirements of future research in interpretation?
Findings: The results of the current research are based on the fact that special attention to the Qur'an, as the most important source of interpretation, rationality and methodical consideration in interpretation, attention to the prerequisites of interpretation, interpretation based on the requirements of the time, the need to pay attention to thematic interpretation, studying on the history of interpretation and observing the manners and conditions of interpretation are one of the most important requirements of interpretation in the future.
Results: Considering the developments that will take place in the field of knowledge, methods and expectations from science in the future, the interpretation will also change. For this reason, in order not to cause various damages to the interpretation of the Qur'an, it is necessary to pay attention to the various contexts, principles and requirements of the interpretation of the Qur'anic commentators and scholars.


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