Designing the Model of Future Cultural Managers Using a Mixed Approach (ministry of culture and Islamic Guidance)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student/Department of management/Astara Branch/Islamic Azad university/Astara/Iran

2 Assistant professor/Department of management/Bndar Anzali branch/Islamic Azad university/Bandar Anzali/Iran

3 Associate Professor of Department of Industrial Management , Qazvin Branch , Islamic Azad University , Qazvin , Iran

4 Assistant Professor/Department of management/Astara Branch/Islamic Azad university /Astara/Iran


Purpose: Cultural managers play a significant role in fulfilling mission of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance as the main institution responsible for cultural issues in society. Therefore, the purpose of study is to present the competency model of future cultural managers of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance using mixed method.
Method: The population of qualitative section are cultural managers of collections affiliated to Ministry of culture with at least 5 years of experience in related positions. They have a degree in culture and master's degree or higher of management. The selection of samples was done using purposive sampling and semi-structured interviews with 7 general questions were continued until realization of saturation in interview 11. Data analysis in three stages of open, axial and selective coding led to the extraction of 98 concepts, 19 sub-categories and finally 7 main categories from the integration of concepts. In the quantitative stage, based on the extracted components, a questionnaire was prepared and given to 280 culture managers. The data were tested using structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software to confirm the validity of existing relationships among model variables.
Findings: Based on the final model, individual motivators on general and specialized competence; organizational contexts, cultural changes, general and specialized competence on competence-oriented strategies and competence-oriented strategies influence on cultural development.
Conclusion: Considering the rapid cultural changes in the society, necessary that the selection and appointment of managers in cultural organizations should be done by observing and establishing forward-looking rules.


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