Guide for
The writing format of papers in the Journal of Political Studies of Islamic World
Languages of the Journal:
Evaluation of the Articles:
Submitted articles are initially reviewed by the board of editors. Once the paper is accepted, it is then sent to selected reviewers. To avoid any bias, articles received are blind reviewed. The boards of editors announce their final decision; an acceptance is dependent upon their recommendation for publication.
Submission Guidelines:
1.The papers should be highly structured by observing the rules of syntax and semantics.
2.The paper should contain the followings in order:
2-1. the title should be concise and informative.
2-2. Please send one attachment containing the writer(s)’s full name along with their academic status, postal and e-mail address, and telephone number should be sent to the related office.
2-3. Persian abstract (15 lines at most), same rule applies to English abstracts.
2-4.Keywords (6 words maximum), Persian and English abstracts.
2-5. Introduction, including general background and reference to prepare the reader for the main argument
2-6. the main text in which the writer claims and analyses his argument.
2-7. Conclusion
2-8. References
2-9. Writer(s)’s name along with academic position in English
3. To make references in the text to other publications do so in the following way: author’s name, date and page number in parenthesis, e.g. (Jahez Basri, 1986: 275)
4. Bibliography:
Give full biographical details of references and list them in alphabetical order of author: last name, first name, date of publication (inside parenthesis), name of the book “in inverted commas”, the editor’s name, place of publication publisher’s name, and volume.
5. Citing a magazine: last name, first name, date of publication (inside parenthesis), name of or translator, name of the collection, place of publication, publisher’s name, page numbers (from p.8 to p.10)
6. For electronic Sites: Last name, First name (last updated), “the subject in inverted commas” and the electronic address in italic.
7. Contributors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts of no more than 20–pages or 8,500 words (including references, notes, and tables). Submit three copies plus three copies of an informative abstract of not more than 200 words. The article should be in 20 pages of 23 lines.
8. Proper names, Latin expressions and compound words should be immediately followed after its Persian version in parenthesis.
9. The Editor reserves the right to accept, refuse or to make editorial changes in any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance style and clarity.
10. The editor does not undertake to return any copies of the manuscript.
Terms of Acceptance:
1. The article should be original and innovative; “Submission Guidelines” must be taken into account. Submit three copies of the article in Word XP 2007, theme font B Zar, font 13 along with a CD to the journal’s mailing address.
2. Articles extracted from thesis should have the supervisor’s name and confirmation.
3. The writer should agree not to send the submitted article elsewhere either in submitted form or modified version until the final decision is announced by the board of editors.
**Important Reminder: The writer(s) should sign the form below and send it to the office along with the paper.